
(just a mini brain dump)

re: what to say/speak/express

what is of the highest good?

i have constrained expression

out of my big heart

to love parents/family

so as not to worry them

so as not to pain them

solution: express w/o putting it in their face

or talking to them about it

e.g. the nudity

basically, have not been able to help myself

am made to fully express

i’m aware it’s where my greatest gifts lie

it is here, now:

how much/what to write in caringbridge that mom is reading

not wanting to invite

mom’s worry & anxiety (useless for her and me)

and not my job to ‘protect’ her

though i’m also protecting my field from un-welcome/invited advice, worry, energy, etc.

not speaking re: supplements

b/c SIL might be reading

and i trust her love/care & that she won’t impose her will

just tell me:

we usually recommend no  supplementation

medical oncologist recommends


M. B. recommends supplementation and no glutamine

which path?

my body, my health, my choice?

never clearcut

M. B. is caucasian but represents TCM from my ethnic lineage

wonder what mom & dad would think of that or if they have any trust of it.


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